This post was created in partnership with Sylvan Learning. All opinions are my own. 

 The first days of 2023 classes have started for my children and just like last semester, we plan on finishing strong! These years are important for Easton, Liam, and Chloe. Easton has been excelling in everything, Liam reads better as the days go by, and Chloe is learning her alphabets and numbers. During the breaks our heads are still in the books. Even after school holidays and the family trips have been a blast, we’ve been encouraging the kids to get back into gear with school.  

 There are many ways to encourage children and what’s affective for us is using encouraging words and motivating our kids to be their best selves through vocal support. Whether they are learning, struggling, or doing homework, using encouraging words instantly brings a smile to their faces and helps them mentally progress in their studies. For Liam and Easton, when they go through periods of times where they feel that they aren’t doing as well as they’d like, we would help them through it by telling them “you can do it” and their teachers at Sylvan Learning would help them learn that subject better. Their confidence is immediately boosted when they hear “good job” and their mind is clear.  

 We are hitting our Sylvan afterschool sessions strong, and it has made such a difference in the kids’ progress these last couple of years. Liam attends several times a week and our family appreciates all the tips and guidance they’ve given us.  

 You can learn what your encouragement style is through Sylvan Learning’s new interactive quiz, HERE. When you take the quiz, you’ll be entered into a sweepstakes for a chance to win a free Sylvan Learning course. Whether you’re looking for tutoring sessions online or in class, Sylvan Learning has talented teachers that are hands on, keep the momentum going, and make learning fun. For online sessions, they are based on your times and your needs. It’s personal face to face and just as effective and personal as an in-person. To learn more about Sylvan Learning, check out their website HERE. 

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