Who else grew up watching Power Rangers?! My brothers, sister, and I loved watching the show and every episode we would pick a new character we wanted to be. Those childhood memories stuck with me to this day. For me, Power Rangers was the first show I watched where I saw strong women battling to save the day.
Liam and Easton are all about going on big super missions to defeat the bad guys so you can imagine how big of a Power Rangers fan they both are. This week, we’re celebrating National Power Rangers Day, on August 28th, at home with a movie day, streaming all the Power Rangers Dino Fury episodes on Netflix and working on these fun diversity and inclusion themed activity sheets with some tasty snacks of course.
National Power Rangers Day is more than a day, it’s a time that champions diversity and inclusion. Watching the show as a family with a very diverse background, we all found a trait we could relate to when it came to seeing the Power Rangers in action. As we’re watching the show, it warms my heart to hear Liam say “Mom, I’m the Blue Ranger because he can fight cool and looks like me.” Easton continues to love all the cool battles and feels confident to practice his fighting moves at home. Then there’s my sweet Chloe, she loves the Pink Power Ranger and I feel that it’s important for her to know early on that girls are strong and can conquer their battles too.
Also, we are all loving the fun “Which Dino Fury Power Ranger Are You?” Instagram Filter. With the filter, the children can see which Dino Fury Power Ranger they are and they absolutely love all the cool effects and rockin’ theme song! You can try it out, here!
Make sure to host your own Power Rangers Dino Fury marathon by streaming all 11 episodes on Netflix or tuning in on Nickelodeon. My kids get so hyped up about the Power Rangers fighting against the bad guys on every single episode, I know your little ones will love it too. Between the amazing worksheets, Instagram Filterand Power Rangers Dino Fury episodes you should have everything you need to celebrate National Power Rangers day with us this year!